About The Project

Spirituality and sexuality are intricately connected, infinitely complex, and both are gifts from God. In the second commandment, Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:3). Among people—particularly in faith communities—no other topic provokes such heated debate as sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Many adopt a “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude regarding this subject in both teaching and practice.

Resources are being developed by The Episcopal Church (TEC) to offer ways to discuss the often “taboo” subjects of sex, sexuality, spirituality, and the impact of The Episcopal Church’s position on the theology of marriage on faith and sexuality. These resources often take the form of foundation books, program modules, and manuals (e.g., These Are Our Bodies). We believe that by drawing upon the rich resources of Christian contemplative tradition, there is a way to influence one’s own interior life and spiritual practice for this topic and be able to personally connect through “holy listening.”

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